Sunday, December 9, 2018

Astral's Advent Observations - DAY 9!

Welcome back to Astral's Advent Observations, where I'm dedicating myself to remembering to open one of these boxes and pull out a trading card every morning.

Day 9! We've made it to the third row of the Calendar!

We've unwrapped a new toy! It's Wind-Up Rabbit!

General Observation:

While nothing much on its own, Wind-Up Rabbit provides nice support for a Wind-Up deck with an effect that can temporarily banish another of your Wind-Up monsters to protect it.

Trivia Observation:

While Wind-Up Rabbit has yet to make an animated or print appearance, it actually featured in a special voice-acted duel at the World Championship Qualifier in 2013. The featured VAs were Eric Stuart (Kaiba) and Darren Dunstan (Pegasus) with Pegasus using a Wind-Up deck that he borrowed from another duelist.

Personal Observation:

This is actually my first Wind-Up card! I wonder if we'll stumble upon any more before Christmas.

Stick a fork in this Day, but come back tomorrow for Day 10 of Astral's Advent Observations!

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