It's the first post of 2021! The world's starting to heal just a bit (Got myself one of them fancy vaccinations two weeks ago), a Pokémon Snap sequel is coming at the end of the month, and a cool (and funny) new season of Power Rangers is on the air. I'd say this year's off to a pretty solid start (and has the potential to get even better with some of the choice announcements made or leaked thus far in nerd culture), so let's dive right in with some hauls, shall we?
NECA Tokka & Rahzar Two-Pack (NECA Store)
Ohhhhhhhhhhh MY yes. Ever since NECA started making movie-based TMNT figures, these guys were at the verrrrrrrrrrry TOP of my wishlist. Tokka and Rahzar have seen several plastic adaptations over the years, but none have really captured their original film designs quite so accurately. Just owning a Tokka figure complete with his ridiculously spiky shell that isn't just a retool of an existing Slash figure is a personal dream come true and their accessories are just as on-point. (You can see Venompool enjoying the splendor of the Traditional Pre-Fight Donut (TM) in that second pic.) The stupid infants complement "Big Mama" Super Shredder in my NECA TMNT display quite nicely and I'm really happy to have completed what I consider Secret of the Ooze's "trio" in my collection with such high-end figure representation.
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Complete Twelfth Season (Amazon)
More Christmas cash purchases! Since I finally caught up on my SpongeBob DVD collection during Christmas proper, I used some of my gift cash to pre-order the latest season. Some choice episodes on this set, including the 20th Anniversary special, "SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blow-Out." In fact, a chunk of the included eps have yet to even air on Nickelodeon in the US! Only downside is that it's not quite the "Complete" 12th Season just because they left one episode out of the release: "Kwarantined Krab." That one also hasn't been aired in the states and you can probably guess why based on the title. A case of unfortunate timing if ever there was one. Hopefully it'll be included on a future set after this whole deal cools down.
Sonic Select Book 3 (Amazon)
This was yet another item brought to me by gift money and it officially completes my set of Sonic Select books! (Now I just wish there was an affordable way to get ahold of Sonic Archives 13 so I can complete THOSE to a certain point. Pretty sure NOBODY thinks Endgame is good enough to spend 500 BUCKS ON.)
Ghostbusters Volume 7: Happy Horror Days (Amazon)
Ghostbusters Volume 8: Mass Hysteria Part 1 (Amazon)
Ghostbusters Volume 9: Mass Hysteria Part 2 (Amazon)
Ghostbusters comics! I was originally going to wait until Volume 3 of the Spectral Shenanigans collected series to grab these particular stories, buuuuuuuuuuut that book was delayed all to thunder and we haven't heard a peep about it since. That combined with these books hitting low stock on Amazon without a restock in sight as well as IDW pulling all their Ghostbusters stuff on digital storefronts made me realize that it was really now or never if I ever wanted to own these.
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: The Lost Galactabeasts (Book)
South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut (DVD)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) Volume 8: The Search for Splinter (DVD)
Thrift store haul from a trip there with my Mom after a dentist appointment! My favorite find is definitely the TMNT DVD, since I don't actually own much of the 2003 show. I only really got super into both the show itself and DVD collecting after the franchise had changed hands and everything was going out of print. Nickelodeon also hasn't put out anything for it barring a couple of random one-off discs, so OOP treasures like this are the best you're gonna get as far as physical media goes, unfortunately. (Hopefully the show can get great numbers on Paramount+ to inspire a little physical initiative to move forward.) DVD includes part of a Peter Laird interview as a bonus and the case even still had an insert advertising Mirage's then-current TMNT ongoing comic series! A nice little surprise.
Digimon Card Game Promotion Pack Version 0.0 Special Edition
Dragon Ball Super Card Game - SS Rosé Goku Black, Unison of Extermination and Super Saiyan God Son Goku/SSGSS Son Goku, Soul Striker Reborn Cards
Won another Premium Bandai giveaway, so I got yet another version of those same six Digimon promo cards from two posts ago. These ones come packaged in a folder rather than a pack and are Special Edition, meaning their foil effect is more apparent than the subtle shine of my previous versions of them. (The second photo shows the comparison.) Probably gonna keep them in the folder, though, as they look nice in there and I've already got plenty of copies of those cards to actually use if I can find Packs or Starter Decks in the wild one day. Also included in this prize package were a couple of neat Dragon Ball Super promo cards. (The God Goku is reversible!)
Banjo & Kazooie amiibo (Best Buy)
Terry amiibo (Best Buy)
More additions to the amiibo shelf, including a particularly long-awaited figure for me personally. Never did I ever imagine when Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was first announced that Microsoft would not only work with Nintendo to bring my favorite Bear and Bird to the roster, but they'd also sign off on an amiibo of them, complete with Jiggy-themed stand! Just the sight of them in a single figure display alongside Mario, Bowser, Mewtwo, King K. Rool, Pac-Man, Ryu, Mega Man, Sonic, Cloud Strife and all these other gaming icons just feels SO right and the detailing on them in superb. (They even included the Rare logo on Banjo's backpack!)
Also along for the ride is Terry Bogard, joining his friends Ryu and Ken in the third-party fighting game representation!
Ghostbusters 101: Everyone Answers the Call (Amazon)
Lastly, another Ghostbusters book I picked up for similar reasons to the ones above. This one in particular should be a fun one because it's the first crossover between the universes of the original and 2016 films.
That's everything I've built up since January! Not sure when I'm going to post next, but you can expect something in August at the latest! (Summer/Birthday times are on the way again.)
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