Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Astral's Advent Observations: The Kuriquel - DAY 17!

Happy Holidays and welcome back to another fuzzy edition of Astral's Advent Observations: The Kuriquel, where I unearth a new Kuriboh card every day leading up until Christmas while also dishing out the occasional factoid.

17! My, how December flies by.

We've crossed into the Spirit World! It's Kuribon!

General Observation:

Kuribon's interesting. Rather than a discard effect, you have to put it in harm's way in order to use it. If Kuribon is attacked, you can negate all battle damage you would take from that particular altercation and return it back to your hand. However, you also have to increase your opponent's LP by the amount of their Monster's ATK, meaning you'll be helping them out unless you're squirrely. 

You can BE squirrely with Kuribon by using it in a combo with Bad Reaction to Simochi, a Trap Card that changes all LP your opponent gains through effects into damage. This'll allow you to use Kuribon as a landmine to take a big chunk out of their points and potentially change the whole game depending on how strong of a Monster they attack with.

Trivia Observation:

Kuribon was first printed in the TCG set Ancient Prophecy. It made its anime debut in Episode 18 of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's as Luna's spirit partner and it followed her through many future appearances as one of her best duel spirit chums. Kuribon was actually the first original Kuriboh Monster that didn't belong to the main protagonist of one of the anime shows and would set a precedent for Kuriphoton to follow later. Like some Kuriboh spin-offs, this card's effect slightly differed in the anime, giving it the extra skill of voiding damage from a direct attack and being special summoned from your hand on the spot.

As for non-anime general trivia, Kuribon's name is a portmanteau of "Kuriboh" and "ribbon," hence the tail ribbon.

Personal Observation:

Kuribon is honestly ANOTHER one I somehow forgot existed until I started researching Kuribohrn despite its numerous anime appearances. A non-main protagonist using it is probably what threw me off.

Kuribon's gotta go back to decorating for the big day, but be back here tomorrow for another door and another Kuriboh on Astral's Advent Observations: The Kuriquel!

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